Help a local refugee – Tikkun Olam

Belated happy Chanukah everyone!  If you are considering your end-of-the-year donations, the Tikkun Olam committee urges you to consider our synagogue’s efforts to help the roughly 400 Afghan refugees who are being resettled here in the Lansing area. 

There are a few ways that you can give:

  1. We’d like to pool money from the congregation for a large gift to the St. Vincent’s Refugee Resettlement Center.  If you’d like to give in this way, please write a check to KI with the memo line “St. Vincent Refugee Donation” and mail your check to KI.  You can also be make a donation through Venmo (congregation-KI-Lansing):  on your note, please write “St. Vincent Refugee Donation.”  Please send donations by December 24.

We hope that you will consider giving to help people who, because of the circumstances of their leaving Afghanistan, have undergone tremendous stress and trauma and who have far fewer health and financial resources than are usually offered to refugees. 

**Note that this effort is separate from the request from the Lansing School District’s call for warm clothes sent out by Bettie Menchik last week—but please give to both if you can!

Please contact Kirsten Fermaglich at if you have any questions at all.