Reopening Building for Services

Dear KI members – 
At last week’s meeting of the Kehillat Israel Board of Directors, the Board decided to return to holding Shabbat services both in-person and on-line via Zoom starting on Saturday, February 26.  The Board’s decision to re-open the KI building for in-person activities also applies to the KIvunim religious school as well as other in-person meetings like the book club.  KIvunim is scheduled to return to in-person classes on Sunday, February 27.   
The Board’s decision was based on the recommendation of the Reopening Committee, which has been monitoring the COVID-related data and, in particular, the steep drop in the number of new COVID cases. The Reopening Committee will provide a revised recommendation if anything changes that warrants a different decision.   
In-person gatherings in the building are subject to the following safety precautions: 
1.         All attendees need to be vaccinated and masked. 
2.         Singing is fine with masks. 
3.         Social distancing is required.  The sanctuary seating has been set up so that family groups can sit together. 
4.         No eating or drinking. 
The last few months have been challenging.  Warmer weather and the opportunity to more easily gather outside are not too far away.  We are very hopeful that the decline in cases will continue.   
Stay safe, 
Neil Gordon, KI President